1. All participating groups will be expected to take part in the various performances, concerts and other engagements as programmed by the Festival Committee.
2. The Festival Committee reserves the right and shall be entitled without payment to or permissions from any person or organisation, to record, film or photograph performances during the Festival and International Competition for public viewing and/or for sale.
3. Participating groups are not entitled to take part in any public performance, other than the official programme of the Festival during the period 02. September – 04. September 2022 without the written permission of the Festival Committee which must be obtained in advance.
4. Neither the organisers nor any of their officials or staff shall be held responsible for any delay, loss or damage to the property of or inconvenience caused to any participant arising from any cause whatsoever.
5. All applications to participate in the INTERFOLK Festival must be made on the official form and signed by the person responsible for the group.
It is a great pleasure to take this opportunity to contact you and to pass you information regarding the first edition of the INTERFOLK World Folkdance Festival.
The next edition of this major cultural event will take place in the City of Bruck an der Mur, Austria and will take place during the dates 02 to 04. September 2022 converting the City into the World Folkdance capital.
In future we want to invite the best amateur folkdance groups from all corners of the world and to establish the festival as one of the most important international events for folkdance and culture.
Our continued aim is to provide a setting for folk dance groups to interchange their cultures and traditions and to ensure that their heritages will remain alive and strong through their dance and music. The World is able to experience the richness of folk dancing through the extensive media coverage which this major cultural festival attracts.
At this point in time the festival seems far away but we know only too well how quickly time goes by and for this reason we do urge you to start to plan your participation as soon as possible.
You will find all the required information in this web page where you can also find and print the application forms and conditions. Please read all the information carefully, taking good note of the closing dates for applications etc.
If for any reason you have problems with the web page and wish to receive this information by regular mail, please let us know and we will send this to you immediately.
Finally, it remains for me to invite you to join us in Bruck an der Mur for the 2021 edition of INTERFOLK.